Celebrating our 2024 Legacy Award Winner

Riley Children’s Foundation is proud to announce Lindy Howard as the 2024 Legacy Award winner for Riley Dance Marathon. This annual award recognizes one graduating college senior who has made significant contributions that will continue to elevate their school’s Riley Dance Marathon program years beyond their active involvement. The recipient practices altruism, demonstrates an ability to unify and mobilize those around them, and is inimitable to their respective program. Tyler Trent of Purdue University Dance Marathon was honored posthumously as the inaugural recipient in 2019.
Originally from Newburgh, Indiana, Lindy recently graduated from Butler University in Indianapolis. She’s been involved with Butler University Dance Marathon since her first semester, beginning as a Recruitment Committee Member, later becoming the Recruitment Director and Vice President of Membership before finishing her last year on leadership as President. Over the course of her presidential term, Lindy implemented events such as “Pie-a-Prez” and “Breakfast at the Bulldog,” rebranded their First Year Committee to “New Member Orientation” and introduced a new comprehensive Dancer Orientation program.
“I was driven to create a more inclusive atmosphere for all leadership levels within BUDM,” Lindy said. “Through these structured meetings that focused on education and integration within the organization, these orientations served as driving forces to encourage more involvement and commitment.”
Lindy’s commitment to Dance Marathon and Riley started because her dream is to be a Physician Assistant specializing in pediatric care of some kind. Her career aspirations deepened when her cousin became a patient at Riley. Lindy will start the PA program at Indiana University this summer in Indianapolis.
“My involvement with DM through my time at Butler has been the most pivotal part of my college experience,” Lindy said. “I have learned about numerous families that Riley has helped, and it has taught me how incredible philanthropic work is through united efforts of hundreds of people coming together. Overall, my time spent with BUDM has sparked a love for philanthropy that I am so grateful for.”
On behalf of all of us at Riley Children’s Foundation, congratulations, Lindy! We are grateful for all you’ve done for Riley kids and families.
11 colleges fundraised for Riley Dance Marathon during the 2023-24 school year. Butler University Dance Marathon began in 2003. BUDM participants have raised more than $3.7 million for Riley.