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Meet a Riley Kid Artist

Natalie with elevator artwork
Natalie with elevator artwork

Riley kid Natalie Lopez had no idea that her artwork was featured on an elevator at Riley Children’s Health until she was there for an appointment this past spring.

Natalie loves drawing and created artwork for Riley Children’s Foundation’s Child Art Program presented by Messer Construction Co. We recently spoke to Natalie about her Riley journey and the inspiration behind her outer space-themed drawing.

Tell us a little bit about your Riley story. What first brought you to Riley Children’s Health, and what has been your journey since then?

Jennifer (mom): What first brought Natalie to Riley was her IgG deficiency. People with IgG deficiency are more likely to get infections, so she was referred to Dr. Jin in immunology. Dr. Jin noticed some abnormal symptoms and knew something else was going on. After extensive tests, Natalie was diagnosed with Hypereosinophilic Syndrome. She takes monthly injections to manage her symptoms. If hypereosinophilic syndrome is not treated correctly it can eventually affect the organs. If it wasn’t for Dr. Jin, we don’t know where Natalie would be today.

What does being a Riley kid mean to you?

Natalie: Riley always makes me feel welcomed and that I matter. I’m not just a patient. When I come to Riley I know I’m coming to get help. My doctors have never let me down. Whenever I come, the nurses always say hi to me! They’ve even come into the room and tell me how good I’m starting to look!

What was the inspiration behind the artwork you created for Riley?

The inspiration behind my drawing is that I love space! I love the galaxy! It’s so beautiful. I’ve even had galaxy birthday themes. When I see shooting stars, it makes me so happy and excited. I wanted others to see my drawing, and really look and admire it. All kids love the galaxy.

When I draw, my mind only focuses on art and nothing else. Drawing is my hobby. When I was drawing my picture, I was sick, but I was motivated to get my drawing completed. I did not give up.

If you could share a message with donors who support the hospital and the Child Art Program presented by Messer Construction Co., what would you say?

I would like to thank the donors. You allow Riley kids to express their artwork. There’s a lot of feelings that go into their art. You make a difference in the kids’ eyes.

What would your perfect day look like?

A perfect day for me would be spending the day my grandpa and grandma. They love me so much. I’m half Guatemalan so another perfect day for me would be spending a day in Guatemala.

Do you have a Riley kid who loves to draw?

Learn more about our Child Art program presented by Messer Construction Co.